privacy policy
Greyscale Darkroom and Photo Lab, LLC
Greyscale Darkroom and Photo Lab is owned and operated by Greyscale Darkroom and Photo Lab, LLC. It is registered in New York, Registration number, ______________, and its Principal Office is in Narrowsburg, New York.
I. Purpose
Greyscale Darkroom and Photo Lab is committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of its customers' personal information. This Privacy Policy describes the personal information that our Company collects from its customers, how it uses that information, and to whom it is disclosed.
This Policy is to comply with the General privacy requirements established via GBS § 899AA Article 39F Data Security Protections and the SHIELD Act. While collecting and processing your personal information, we understand that your PII (i.e. "Personally Identifiable Information") must be handled in a manner that protects your personal information and privacy.
For purposes of this Policy, a customer may also be referred to as “you” or “your.”
II. Definitions
The following definitions are used within this Agreement:
Personal Data: any information relating to an identifiable natural person such as: name, account number, location data, online identifier, as well as one or more factors specific to the physical or social identity of that natural person.
Processor: a natural legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data.
Recipient: a natural or legal person, agency or other body to whom personal data is disclosed.
Third-Party: a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, processor, or persons who under the direct authority of the processor are authorized to process personal data.
Processing: any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, alteration, retrieval, use, transmission, dissemination, or otherwise making available, restriction, erasure, or destruction.
Profiling: any form of automated processing of personal data used to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person. This includes and is not limited to factors concerning that natural person’s performance, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location, or movements.
Filing System: any structured set of personal data which is accessible according to specific criteria, whether centralized, decentralized, or dispersed on a functional or geographical basis.
III. Commencement
This Policy commences on May 1, 2021. It replaces all other policies relating to the use of a customer’s personal data, whether such a policy was made in writing or oral.
IV. Application
This Policy applies to all customers, Members, and users who access and use our Company's website.
V. Information Collected
Our Company only collects personal data from users or Members that is necessary for one or more of our legitimate business functions or activities. The information our Company collects from its' users and customers may include:
Full legal name;
Email address;
IP Address;
Data uploaded to our website;
Information voluntarily supplied by the user or customer;
Any other information that is necessary for our Company to perform its services and obligations for the customer.
The information collected is considered “personal data”. We do not knowingly collection information from minors under the age of (18).
VI. Shared Information
Our Company will never sell your personal information with recipients, although it may be shared from time to time and only when necessary to perform a legitimate business function with our Company vendors and business partners.
VII. How Information is Used
Our Company collects personal information from its customers and users so that it may perform business functions and provide services to its customers. Our Company may use a customer’s personal information to perform the following:
To conduct billing activities and ensure timely payment of services;
To provide business services in accordance with our Terms and Conditions;
To allow our employees or representatives to provide business services;
Any other legitimate business function or activity;
Our Company may also process your personal data when required to do so by law. VIII. Information Collected Regarding Children
Our Company does not knowingly collection personal information regarding children under the age of thirteen (13) unless it is with the prior written permission of the child's legal guardian or parent.
IX. Retention of Personal Information
Our Company will store and delete a customer’s personal data in compliance with New York state privacy laws. Our Company maintains its customers’ personal data on private servers located in _Narrowsburg, New York_____ which is managed by Greyscale Darkroom and Photo Lab. Servers are protected by login security, software, and restricted access. Only employees of our Company have access to this information.
X. Your Rights
Customers have the right to access, rectify, object to, or erase the data maintained by our Company under New York's General Business Laws and Consumer Protection Laws. You may request a change to your personal data by contacting our Company by telephone, email, or mail correspondence.
Greyscale Darkroom and Photo Lab
Address: 7 Erie Avenue, Narrowsburg, NY. 12764
Telephone: _____________________
XI. Intellectual Property
You understand and agree that our Company retains all rights, title and interest to its website; social media sites; app; their code and content. This material is considered our property and "Intellectual Property which is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, trade secrets or other proprietary rights and laws both in New York and the United States. Users and visitors warrant not to infringe upon these rights and to abide by and agree to all applicable copyright and trademark laws; copyright notices; logos; service marks; and any restrictions contained in any content contained within our website; social media sites; or app.
XII. Limited Liability
Users, Members, and customers acknowledge and agree to hold our Company, their owners, officers, employees, and agents harmless from any errors or omissions contained in any: file; message; email; electronic message; or any communication where information was shared by a user, customer, or visitor, and that information was incorrect; in error; or otherwise modified without our knowledge, consent, or under our control.
Messages, emails, and other communications are not considered "private", therefore data and information voluntarily supplied by a customer or user is done so at their own risk. Our Company values our customers' privacy but does not accept liability or responsibility for the transmission of data or information which is beyond our control.
Emails and electronic messages sent by our Company to a customer are considered confidential and sent to the intended recipient only. In the event a customer receives an email in error, we request that they notify our Company immediately to correct the error, and request the customer then delete the email or electronic message.
XIII. Cookies
Our website and company use cookies. A "cookie" is a small file in your browser that collects information about a user's viewing habits, such as length of time viewing a website or website search and history. Our Company only collects non-personally identifiable information such as an I.P. address and analytics, in order to improve a user's browsing experience. Visitors and customers who do not wish to participate with cookies can choose the option to change their browser's security settings, but this may alter the way our website is accessed and used.
XV. Offline versus Online Policy
This Privacy Policy only applies to information we may collect from you online through our website as well as social media sites and does not apply to information we may collect from you offline such as: direct mail, trade shows; exhibits; and marketing campaigns. Provisions regarding customer's personal information: usage; storage; retention; apply to both data received online or offline.
XVI. Promotional Emails
Customers who have an account or register for an account with our Company give us permission to send them email messages for promotions and sales. This might be a promotional email related to sales or special offers; messages from business partners; responses to requests for more information; or customer support email messages. Customers can opt out or stop receiving promotional emails by clicking the "unsubscribe" hyperlink in the email or send a message to Customer Support. When the customer has unsubscribed from our mailing list, they will also cease to receive any support notices or messages.
XVII. Updates and Inquiries
Customers can send our Company a request to discover or modify any personal information that we may have on file. All such requests must be in writing and identification must be provided as requested to Customer Support in order to verify the identity of the requester. Written inquiries, updates, and personal information modifications can be sent via USPS to: [Name & Address] ___Greyscale Darkroom and Photo Lab, 7 Erie Avenue, Narrowsburg, NY. 12764____.
XVIII. Data Retention
Our Company stores and retains all customer data up until the time the Customer closes or cancels their account. After the customer closes their account, it may take up to sixty days for data to be deleted from our servers. A limited amount of data is retained and stored after deletion to identity the customer and insure that their records were properly deleted from our system.
XIX. Privacy Policy Amendments
Our Company may update this Policy from time to time by publishing a new version on its website. When amendments are modified and uploaded, the effective date will be noted on our website. A visitor, Member, or user's continued use of the website is their agreement and acknowledgement of those changes.
XX. Governing Law
Our Company's Privacy Policy and agreements are governed by the laws of the State of New York, United States of America, without regard to C.I.S.G. (Convention for the International Sale of Goods and Services), or the principles of conflict of laws or choice of law provisions.
XXI. Disputes
In the event of a dispute regarding the terms, conditions, or interpretation of this Privacy Policy, our Company and its Customers or Members agree to settle the dispute in a business-like manner. In the alternative, the parties agree to use a Professional Mediator located in Narrowsburg, New York, with the parties sharing the cost and choice of a Mediator. All proceedings shall be confidential. The prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of legal costs and fees.
XXII. Contact
For more information or if you have questions regarding our Privacy Policy please contact us at:
Greyscale Darkroom and Photo Lab
Address: 7 Erie Avenue, Narrowsburg, NY. 12764
Effective Date: ____May 1, 2021_____